
4.7- Energy Efficiency

The diagram is a pyramid of energy:

  • Of the 100% of producer, only 10% makes it to the next level in the primary consumer
  • Of the 100% of producer, only 1% makes it to the next level in the secondary consumer
Question: What are the causes of the losses that we are seeing?

Simple food chain:
  1. Producer (grass)- 100 kJ eaten by herbivore
  2. Primary consumer (mouse)- only 10kJ of the original will become part of the mouse's body and tissues
    • This is because they have to find their own food and they carry out the process of respiration
    • Not all of the 100kJ of energy is actually available to the mouse:
      • Mice cannot digest cellulose so the plant cell wall cannot be digested and the energy is lost in the form of faeces(undigested material). So, 90kJ is lost through respiration and undigested food
  3. Secondary consumer (Owl)- only be able to assimilate 1kJ
    • The losses to the owl are respiration. Energy required for:
      • Movement
      • Flight
      • Digestion 
    • Not all of the mouse is digested by the owl and so some is lost as faeces
All organisms will finally die and are broken down by micro-organisms called decomposers.

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