

The animal eats the apple--- The seed is in the animals digestive system---- The seed comes out of the animal when it poo's---- The seed is displaced and starts growing

Seed Coats:


3.4 Plant Fertilisation

-Pollen grains germinate and tubes start to grow
- Pollen tubes will only complete if its the same specie
- The pollen tubes go to the ovule
       -The pollen nucleus fertilizes the ovule which will lead to the formation on a zygote
       - This will grow into the embryonic plant
- Outside ovule forms a seed coat called testa
- Formation of the cotyledons (food stores for seedling, supports plant)
-Thickening of the walls of the ovary which makes fruit


 (3.3)b)- Wind Pollination:

Describe the structures of a wind-pollinated flower and explain how each is adapted for pollination-

·         Pollination: transfer of pollen grains from the anther of one plant to the stigma of another
·         Transfer of pollen grain from anther to the stigma through air carried by the wind
·         Adaptations of Pollination:
o    Light weight pollen grains
o    Anthers are exposed to the wind
o    Stigma- large surface area to catch pollen grains
·         Wind- Pollination:
o    No Colour
o    No Scent
o    No Food

(3.3)a)-Insect Pollination:
 Describe the structures of an insect-pollinated flower and explain how each is adapted for pollination-

·         Pollen contains male nuclei, Insects transfer pollen in insect pollinated flowers
·         Cross- pollination: If pollen transfers from a flower to another
·         Attractions from insects:
o    Signals- Colour petals, Scents
o    Value- Food (Fructose), Pollen (Protein)
·         Stamen- male part of plant which contains anther, filaments
·         Stigma, Style and Ovary- (Carpel, female part)